Isaiah 50:6 I gave My back to those who struck Me,And My cheeks to those who plucked out
the beard, I did not hide My face from shame and spitting.
I guess they plucked out his eyebrows, not his beard.
Just one of a Bible full of beards...
Prissy pastors not allowing men to be in Their(not Jesus’) kingdom via church ministries, because they don’t hide God given gender distinction.
Biblical beards for thousands of years and along comes prissy Pentecost pastors trying to castrate the men, so they’ll supposedly look more holy like “leadership”. What a crock.
I recently heard the “catch all” age old answer for not allowing beards in church ministry just last week... The Bible says to obey those that have the rule over you!
What if all these prissy pastors would tell everyone they must grow facial hair to be in ministry. Well, you by golly better obey that too because they have the rule over you!
Got to love the backup catch all quote too, which is always, “well, I don’t think beards are a heaven or hell issue....” which is to imply that beards are a “borderline sinful” issue, like a “weight to beset you”, yet there is more scripture for men commonly having a beard than not having them.
This has been a terrible misfortune in modern day supposed Pentecost, that is hopefully changing...Tons of ministry opportunities have been lost because of prissy pastors requiring foolish unscriptural burdens on men that want to be men, including having a beard.