Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Can you PLEASE give documentation about the turnaround?
Having been in the UPCI since 1992, I can tell you that there has been a turn around overall and facial hair is not anything like the big deal it was in the past--at least for the laity. No preacher is going to show up at a district or national event with a beard or mustache. This is not to say that there aren't churches or areas of the country where they may still be very much against them.
I'm very much against beards.
Because I can't grow one very well. :-)
I have no problem with them.
At my church many men have facial hair. A couple of our main musicians have beards.
In the church David Bernard founded, the head usher who was in that role for over 20 years has a mustache. There are many people there with facial hair.
Was the book published by The Pentecostal Publishing House? Non-PPH books are allowed to be sold at UPCI events. As someone also mentioned, David Bernard almost certainly isn't aware of all that is sold.
At any rate, the ban against facial hair is dying in the UPC.
Regarding, Chosen's statement about Jesus not having a beard. Of course he did. In Israel (and surrounding Eastern nations) beards have been as much of an ornament for men and as highly regarded as long hair on women.