Originally Posted by votivesoul
You, me, and others could probably tell our PTSD horror stories, too, and how Jesus made short work of them the day He saved us. I was possessed by an evil spirit when I was fourteen, and then, for the next ten years of my life, and it all happened when and because, I was taking a legally prescribed anti-depressant that impacted the chemistry in my brain sufficient to make me numb and dumb enough not to care when it came around and invited itself in.
Yeah, talk about PTSD! Every symptom you can name, I had, every day of my life: racing, uncontrollable thoughts. Anxiety attacks. Panic attacks. Nervous breakdowns. Blackouts. Self-harm. Confusion. Memory loss. Suicidal and Homicidal tendencies. Nightmares. Insomnia. Hallucinations. Dissociative Disorder.
All the time, 24/7, for ten years, in some combination or another.
So, it's not that I don't sympathize or even empathize, because I do. I get it. I just don't agree with Aquila about the solution.
Either you received a miraculous healing... or you didn't have PTSD.
Sadly, not everyone of us receives a miraculous healing. I was born again at 13 years old, long before I began wrestling with PTSD in the military. Through the years, I've fasted, prayed, pleaded, bargained, etc. and still... no healing yet. The EMDR therapy helped, but it is hit or miss.
CBDs help. But it's almost like you have to take them every day or every other day at most. The smoke, well, a single treatment can help keep symptoms at bay for days.