Originally Posted by Aquila
You mean, all I have is personal experience.
No, you have a story, which is most likely embellished. You have a track record around here for "story telling" which may or may not be a complete fabrication. You also paint yourself as a noble saint filled with virtue. When the fact is you're really an ecclesiastical overfed long haired leaping gnome.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Jennings is embracing the Apocrypha. I think he's descending into error. He peddles the Apocrypha and preaches from the Apocrypha, stick a fork in him, he's done.
That is about laughable coming from you. You started the Apocrypha thread with "what say ye?" When you already held a low opinion of it. This is why I don't take the bait when you post some ding bat topic claiming that you thought it was interesting. You have issues boy, and you hate Apostolics.
Originally Posted by Aquila
And what's with designing the cover to look like the Quran? Add that to his look, and his tone, and I think he's trying to resurrect Rev. Farrakhan. He's designing his own brand here. The sign of both a good salesman and performer.
Resurrecting who? Who on earth is REV Farrakhan? A little Freudian slip?
Pastor Jennings, Chris and Louis Farrakhan. I know how Pastor Jennings believes concerning the Cult of Yakubites. But you referring to Farrakhan as a "reverend" is typical Chris discombobulation.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I predict there will be a scandal, he'll talk about "wives" or "authority". Then COOLJC will cut him loose, then he'll start his own sect, and fade into obscurity.
Well if we are looking at your track record and Jennings' track record? Then smart money would be on Pastor Jennings. Again, all this hullabaloo coming from you is laughable.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Embracing the Apocrypha? Doesn't this man answer to anyone? Who is his authority? Who provides oversight? What do they think of his church teaching and peddling the Apocrypha as Holy Writ?
You had me speechless, I read the last quote and almost fell out. That coming from you is a total scream. Seriously, you have issues.
You are accountable to nothing and no one.
Good grief.