Originally Posted by BuckeyeBukaroo
I could see a "lone wolf" or a "terror cell" causing enough havoc that would have the same effect as taking out a single city with a nuke. I can see a terror cell being sponsored by a foreign government to perform the carnage.
Yes, and they can see it too. The problem with that is that Big Brother is watching YOU. I'm serious as a heart attack, you may think what you do on your cell, or even on this forum goes unnoticed, but it doesn't. NSA isn't your father's old intelligence gathering arm of the United States anymore. We have Comrade FB and Comrade Google tracking our every move. Let's face it, they have systems set up who know, when, where, and what, before they even light the fuse. But, be my guess, use the Nuke Map, I gave you, it has a terrorist low level nuke in its arsenal. Go pick and city and then detonate, read the amount of devastation it causes. Also take into consideration other variables which the map doesn't supply, as fallout measurements, wide directions. I believe you are given a height of your blast, so you can figure out how wide spread your mushroom cloud will contaminate the atmosphere.