Originally Posted by CC1
I think Jesus would be shocked at some of the things preached against today. The bible has been twisted and stretched so much you would think it is a rubber band!
CC1, you speak like you are talking about a historical figure? Someone no longer available for comment. But, it is always amusing how people claim others to be twisting and stretching scripture like a rubber band. When they sit in a church believing they are the chosen, but are the farthest thing from Bible truth. They hold not outward standards but the more important inward attire is totally lacking. So, they fabricate the perpetual sinner doctrine to even make up for that. Jesus working on the inside, showing on the outside, oh what a change in my life. Beards, no beards, who cares what is on your face. Because whether clean shaven, or whiskers to the floor, the smile which is supposedly pious is fake. Standards, no standards, still it is the inside that is rotten to the core. that is what is always hidden, that is what cannot be seen. Ditch the standards, David M. Wasmundtism of going Biblical, when the outer dress is discarded the inner man is still retarded, sick, and sadly full of mess.
This train is bound for destruction.