. From Strict Baptist;1523704]Let me clarify my use of the term "subsistence" since Originalist did make a valid point.
The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession employs it, yet as reads below,
I believe in incarnation Sonship and not filiation or spiration. None of the Waldensian creeds support eternal Sonship,
BRAVO!! I wish I was right there so I could shake your hand! I came to the Lord in 1980. From 1986 to 1993 I was licensed with the Assemblies of God. Back then few seemed to believe in eternal sonship. Most embraced the incarnation view as you do. There are many similarities between the incarnational sonship Trinitarian view and the oneness view. I discuss this in my essay.
and likewise the 1646 First London was absent of these doctrines as well as other early creeds from the Strict and Particular Baptists.
The 1689 Second London reads in Chapter II, Of God & the Holy Trinity --[/QUOTE]