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Old 03-23-2018, 06:37 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Are Trinitarians Saved?

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
1)Many oneness people would affirm that trinitarians are saved (or at least some, of course there is an epidemic of false conversion in the modern American church).

2)That said, the majority of oneness pentecostals would deny trinitarians are saved. Typically the more conservative OPs would have this view. But they tend to condemn everyone, including fellow oneness believers, who are not as conservative as themselves, labelling them charismatics, compromisers, worldly, etc.

3)Trinitarians are kind enough to return the favor, i.e. misrepresent what oneness people believe, label them all heretics, and condemn them to hell. I do admit to getting sick of trinitarians whining over the meany oneness people, when ya'll are mostly completely disingenuous about what oneness people believe. Then if one of your own even suggests oneness people are part of the body of Christ (such as Michael Brown recently), they get thrashed.

4)Your summary of oneness beliefs is inaccurate, as is your statement of trinitarian beliefs "one indivisible person". Most trinitarians would reject that language in favor of "one being who is thrre persons" (James White)

5)The argument is really a pandering to the flesh on both sides. While we ought to seek truth, we get overly concerned with judging the salvation if other individuals, then rapidly millions of others, based on our understanding of theology proper. I don't think this is wise nor God glorifying.

The debate is necessary and fascinating. But condemning others, who have repented of their sins and trusted in Christ, who believe in the one true God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, His full humanity and diety, and the regeneration and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, seems to me, unnecessary.

It should be pointed out that both sides believes this, and this is a huge difference in having this conversation on a ineness board, vs a JW, Mormon, SDA, Christian Science, etc board.

1 John gives the tests of salvation, and both oneness and trinitarians meet that theological criteria.
Excellent post.
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