Is Masculinity a Thing of the Past?
Taken from Wikipedia:
Janet Saltzman Chafetz (1974, 35-36) describes seven areas of masculinity in general culture:
Physical -- virile, athletic, strong, brave. Unconcerned about appearance and aging;
Functional -- breadwinner, provider for family as much as mate
Sexual -- sexually aggressive, experienced.
Emotional -- unemotional, stoic, don't cry;
Intellectual -- logical, intellectual, rational, objective, practical,
Interpersonal -- leader, dominating; disciplinarian; independent, free, individualistic; demanding;
Other Personal Characteristics -- success-oriented, ambitious, aggressive, proud, egotistical; moral, trustworthy; decisive, competitive, uninhibited, adventurous.
Do these characteristics adequately describe the persona of a Christian man?
Are "real" men a thing of the past? Is Islam attractive to men because of its emphasis on male dominance? Has Christianity feminized the modern man with its emphasis on feelings and emotion?
What is your idea of manliness?