Re: In light of the incident at TPC...
There is a PASTOR who I sat under before N P U up in CHICAGO and no one heard of how is RUINED this church just like TB ruined TPC. There is so many things that people just do not know about their PASTORS. For Example One of my PASTORS who was DUPED by BORAT MOVIE was the PRESB of MS district James E. Sandy, great pastor, but he claims to have DISCERNMENT, but BORAT fooled him and the rest of them during that MS CAMP MEETING. What a joke that was, Well He invited a Guy named C.G. who was married, 8 week revival, then he kept it going another 8 weeks and it kept going and going and going, The guy was staying in the pastors HOME but his discernment didn't pick up on his HOMOSEXUAL TENDENCIES though he was married, he later came out his wife and kids Still love him to death, they do not hate him for being gay either they really love him. He is really a great preacher and a great guy. You would not know he was GAY If you met him. 6'3" Tall Dark & a Very Handsome guy. NO ONE GUESSED. However I knew. But kept it to myself. But I have been pastors Guru or Assistant to many of my pastors and have been their Drivers in the churches I have worked in, and stayed in their Homes and lived above one pastor on the Church property his house had an apartment for organist and that was me which was cool. But you learn things secret things and I was one to never question my pastor. Even when I caught them being SHADY or Hiding things standards wise, that he would preach in the PULPIT as SIN and HELL ISSUE but yet he and his wife did it. I still kept my mouth shut because people are so HELL BENT on "DON"T SAY ANYTHING AGAINST GOD"S ANOINTED" I call BS on that, because if you see SIN in your PASTOR you should call him out on it. But I respected them and was really afraid to. You don't want to get the one in trouble who is paying for your APARTMENT and BILLS for playing the Organ & Being his Assistant thus I would lose my job. But Pastors have secrets many have serious secrets. some have no business in the PULPIT.
So back to Chicago Pastor he got done to him what they did to TB @ TPC and N.P. U. same church but was named WHITEHAVEN UPC but you never heard about him because back then we barley had cell phones were just coming out. Not everyone had internet. Only the Rich or the wealthy that could afford those luxury things we all have today. But there are stories that will never be heard until one day someone who has been hurt will come on a place like this and let it out. This man was BIG in the UPCI he was very WISE and that word is in his name that is all I will say. He hurt people really bad and he swept CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE UNDER THE RUG and hid things from the police and the church. He was told of a Child being abused by a Sunday school TEACHER and a SINGER in the church and because this guy tried to molest the organist SON they wanted to keep It quiet because they didn't want to tarnish their NAME with ugly story, so they did nothing and the pastor did nothing and BECAUSE they did NOTHING 20 MORE KIDS were ASSAULTED and SEXUALLY ABUSED AND RAPED all BOYS. IF that 1st family would have called the POILCE or the PASTOR would have to suffer being molested. This story makes me sick to my stomach. And those 20 kids are damaged for the rest of their lives and the MONSTER is still in church singing and teaching Sunday school just in another church. So that story has never been told until now.