06-12-2007, 02:57 PM
Getting to know Jesus
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,036
Will a woman go to hell for NOT wearing black stockings?
Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~truth333/...17WmIBook.html
The first sister workers we ever met wore them. Women who professed were expected to wear them and when they did, it seemed they were in a different class from those who didn't. Those (few) who didn't wear them were considered to be ‘without understanding.’ As a young teenager, I thought that this was required toward salvation. My most vivid childhood memory is of the women having to wear black stockings. There was always a lot of controversy about them, as well as a lot of rebellion, and many a good Christian girl fell by the wayside because she refused to go out in public wearing her uniform. Black stockings, you see, were only one part of this stringent category, and long skirts, long hair, and long faces - the longer the better - were other prescribed signs of holiness and submission to the will of God. (In Vain They do Worship, by Willis Young, pp. 36-37)