Re: Post trib doctrine = Christ terrorizes His bri
Originally Posted by votivesoul
Yet, sometimes we often assume we have been as clear as possible in explaining a matter, but perhaps we were not. Or, regardless of how clearly we communicated, it can still be misunderstood, and so, unintentionally misrepresented by the one who didn't understand. That happens here and elsewhere a lot, more than we realize, sometimes.
Why shoot a man down and try to get him banned when you can't prove malicious intent? Even someone claiming to understand a point of discussion or doctrine doesn't make it so. It's just a claim, as much as saying someone is intentionally lying and misrepresenting the beliefs of others, regardless of the number of clarifications.
Can't prove???? That's funny.
Wow, where was I when this was posted?
There is a sign post up ahead, the next stop is.....the impossible made possible Zone.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence