Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
So everyman is right in his own eyes?
Jesus and Paul taught that everything else is left up to opinion?
Where does the Bible teach us that there would only be 7,000 years of human history? If you can freely give out such information, then why didn’t Christ? Why didn’t Paul? I understand you are saying it is your opinion. But you insert it as it should be doctrine. So, why didn’t any Bible writer bring up any thoughts to a 7,000 year wrap up of history?
No elder, I do not insert this as though it should be doctrine. I am saying that this is my humble opinion based on my own studies. Jesus never told us about electricity. Paul never told us about radio wave frequencies. Do the math for yourself my friend. How much human history has transpired since Adam? Is it only coincidence that we are coming up on the 6,000th year since Adam? The light of our world was made on the 4th day. The light of the world appeared on the 4,000th year. The seven day/seven thousand year truth is verified several times in the scriptures. Nothing is left up to opinion.