Originally Posted by Aquila
Oh, I told her about the scandals and how nobody ever could prove criminal wrong doing. Like it or not, agree or not, that's the truth. Yes, I believe the scandals hurt her. But, I also don't think American public is entirely ready to elect a female President.
It's apparent, from recent revelations, Hillary was being protected by supporters in the FBI and DOJ.
To claim that Hillary wasn't elected because she's a woman is simply untrue. And the claim that America isn't ready to elect a female President isn't true either.
What you should have told your daughter was that Hillary did not lose because she was a woman. Hillary lost the election because she was a terrible candidate. Hillary treated the campaign as a coronation. She thought she just needed to be alive on November 8th to be voted the next POTUS. She didn't even campaign in Wisconsin. There were other states in which she didn't do much campaigning in because she thought she won the election the day she announced she was running for POTUS.