Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
Are there more discourse analysis quotes ? Any from OT literature ?
What's interesting is the passage in Philippians parallels Adam's story, but with Christ as the second Adam and reversing the Fall.
Adam, being made in the likeness, image, or "form" of God, tried to grasp equality with God by eating the forbidden fruit, yet suffered a forced death because of it.
Christ, likewise in the form of God, did not try to grasp equality with God, but instead humbled himself voluntarily - even to death - and as a result was exalted to the position of God (as indicated by Paul's citation of
Isaiah 45 but applied to Christ).
So then Christ is fulfilling the role of second Adam, recapitulating the Fall but doing what Adam should have done in the first place. The passage in Philippians is a good example of Paul's Adam Christology.