Re: More over-reacting to the "Light Doctrine"
Originally Posted by jfrog
Sure, but this still doesn't answer the question of how it can be that the Baptist down the street without the holy ghost, without the truth and without even having his sins washed away in Jesus' name baptism can live a more godly life than those in your own church that you would call saved.
No, the same CANNOT be said of other religions. Islam doesn't even express faith in Jesus and that he died and was resurrected for our sins. That's a major difference.
Most importantly, how can the guy that believes 99% of what you believe except claims to believe in the Trinity and also believes that salvation occurs and faith and has never spoken in tongues or had his sins washed away in Jesus name.... how can you call that guy damned when there's a 1% difference in what you and him believe and he is living a more godly life than many you would call saved?
If he's not doing that by the power of God then all your Holy Ghost power basically amounts to nothing. How can that be so?
If he's wrong about that little what things could you be wrong about that might keep you out of heaven? Why does doctrinal truth only become salvational for those topics and not for others?
You should be able to figure out why this question is soo important by now and why holding on to the position of claiming others are damned simply because of some relatively minor doctrinal differences doesn't end in a good place no matter no matter how you try to frame it.
Ole brother Cornelius was a pretty nice guy too...with all that niceness, prayer and almsgiving he STILL needed the HolyGhost.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.