Whether before or after the earthly ministry of The Lord and his Finished Work, sacrifices NEVER had redeeming power. They existed only as symbols that pointed to the Work of Messiah. The writer of Hebrews plainly tells us that sacrifices NEVER did forgive sins. The writer of Hebrews calls the sacrifices an "annual REMINDER of sin". When the writer of
Hebrews 10:1-5 is talking about The Law here, he is not talking about the whole TORAH, rather the context shows that he is talking exclusively about the Laws of Sacrifice, and he says of them that they are ". . . only a SHADOW of the good things that are coming -- not the realities themselves."
Shadow has no substance, friends. Shadow cannot DO anything of actual reality. They only "indicate", "suggest", "point to" something else -- namely the Real Atonement in Messiah. If you believe that these old sacrifices actually atoned for sins, you are diminishing the actual efficacy and distinctiveness of Messiah's Blood in the Work of The Atonement. You are also making a case that as far as God in concerned, He is willing to accept more than one way to Salvation -- one by animal sacrifices and the other by the Atoning Blood of Messiah. I cannot accept that, because I believe that in every Age there has always only been ONE way of Salvation, and that way has been and is still in the Atoning Blood of the Messiah.