Then, concerning LOVE. It is not our responsibility to define "love". The Scripture already does that for us:
Ex. 20:6
Dt. 5:10
Dt. 6:5
Dt. 10:12-13
Dt. 11:1
Dt. 13:3
Dt. 19:9
Dt. 30:6
Dt. 30:19-20
Mrk. 12:29-30
Jn. 14:15
Jn. 14:21
Jn. 14:23
1 Jn. 2:3-5
1 Jn. 3:24
1 Jn. 5:3
2 Jn. 1:6
Every single one of the above Verses connect Love for God to obedience to His Written Word. This tells me that in some way, our obedience IS the tangible manifestation and expression of our love for Him. This, to me, is true "Love" for God. And true "Love" is the real test of one's faith. But in The Scripture, "love" is something that can be seen and demonstrated. It is "proven" by actions. In the case of the Christian life, these are actions that demonstrate hatred of what is morally wrong and reprehensible as well as willingness and joyous obedience to those things which His Divine Word has specifically enjoined upon us to do. Such as the Sabbath. True "Love" is heart-based AND pro-active.
Faith in The One True God is indeed the Way to Eternal Life, but acceptance of Him, if it is to be regarded by Him as "genuine faith" must ALWAYS result in a life of obedience to His Revealed Way. Repentance necessarily implies obedience. If we truly love Him, we will commit to Him. That is what these Passages of Scripture are telling us. That is not some man-made doctrine, that is what God Himself teaches us through these Passages. Love and Obedience go together: Dt. 30:19-20
Isaiah 35:8
Matthew 7:21-23
Luke 6:46
John 14:23-24