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Marriage Matters For discussion of Marital issues

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Old 08-30-2017, 09:30 PM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Marriage Rejuvenation?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

You've continually stalked me, harassed me, insulted me, slandered me, mocked me, and misrepresented me.
Don't play nieve, no one stalks you. Like I had mentioned in another thread. The thread where you said everyone who flies the flag of Dixie should be hung for treason. Listen, no one is stalking you or are obsessed with you. You make yourself the lighting rod. You come to a Christain forum, Apostolic and you love to go over the top. So, save the fasle shock of someone taking the time to disrupt your time of wanting to hold court.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What do you want? Just say it.
I have said it over and over again. Take your own advise poser.

Do I have to repeat those three things which you originally said you were going to take time and do.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Let's end this foolishness and tell me what it will take for you to calm down and actually talk with me rationally?
I am talking rationally. Do you believe that the tares have sweet fellowship with the wheat? Certainly not. Chris, you need to get yourself straightened out. You live in Ohio? Don't you live in Ohio? There isn't common law marriages in Ohio. You also aren't a Quaker, so the Quaker wedding was a farce. Your girlfriend has to schlep it to your sabbath keeping house church and pretend she is married to you. Do the elders in your congregation now that you and your girlfriend aren't really married?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
In most forums you'd already be banned for such personal attacks and near menacing behavior.
Chris, most forums would of banned you for making the comments you did about me being burned by my stepmother as a child. So, save it. You aren't the trembling barefoot pious saint, robed in saffron leading your white bull to your ivory monastery. Even when MawMaw gave her view of you, you jumped her. Chris, your problem is that you can't take what you dish out.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I honestly don't know why the admins here haven't at least asked you to be more civil. I've requested that they do so, but nothing became of it. And that's their prerogative I guess. They can do as they wish.
Because coming from you, it must of made them throw back their heads with laughter. They might even fell to the floor and rolled around holding their stomachs. Did you complain before or after you associated my being dragged to a lit stove and being burned with child discipline? Chris, do you have moments of amnesia? Do you happen to realize that this forum has a huge amount of your postings which make mine pale in comparisons. That you have posters who officially placed you on the pay no mind list? Now, we find out that you are just living with your girlfriend playing house? Yet, you want to spend time in a thread where you instruct a female about spiritual strongholds? You must be mad. Bro, find Jesus Christ the one true living God. The fellowship is either condoning your live in relationship, or they don't even know. If they don't know, why don't they?

Look, I'm not an evangelist. [/quoter]

For a good reason my man. I mean what in heaven's name would you tell young people? That they should live with their girlfriends? What kind of example would you set? No, no one needs a preacher who has a mile long excuse for why he is living with his girlfriend, and playing house. Not only playing house but sitting around naked eating Fruit Loops.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
though I thought I was called for a time and became involved with ministry, I'm no longer interested in being a minister of any kind.
It looks like everything is make believe to you. A calling is just that, you are called by God. Not by you, it isn't something like you want to collect butterflies, or stamps. No one is called for a time. Yet, you couldn't be a minister. Unless you wanted to be in the Moses David Berg's Children of God.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

I'm just an average Joe. And you're also right, I'm a mess. I don't profess to be perfect. In fact, I've spoken freely about many of my imperfections and less than ideal circumstances. Trust me, I could have chosen not to say a word about me or my life. I could have hidden in anonymity and pretended that all was well. But I didn't. All my contradictions, imperfections, sin, fears, concerns, failures, hurt, experiences, wounds, scars, etc... most of me is laid out in the open. In fact, I've put enough out here on this forum about me, I've sealed the coffin on any opportunity to minister ever again. In fact, you've kind of helped me in that. And for that I'm really grateful. But I'm now growing weary with your endless attacks. Why don't we just settle things like rational people? I'm right here.
Chris, strength is never a weakness. So the above needs to be considered only by you. You need to take your own advise, and heal thyself. I can literally line a city street with people who parrot the very same words. They move ever so gently, telling everyone they are full of mess, sinners to the raging core. Yet, saved by grace, as you listen to them, you could swear you hear the shuffle of angel's feet. But when the preacher tells them to get back on track and live right through the power of the cross they refuse. Because they are more focused on sin, then repentance. They aren't struggling, they are flat out refusing to get right. Bro, the wheat never massage the tares, or look to have a lovely time of chatting while you destroy yourself and others. Ever heard, real friends don't let friends dive drunk? I'm not going to stand around while you make believe, and just let you walk off the cliff with people following you.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

And let me assure you, I am a joke. I'm not important. I don't have an office or position in any church. And as previously said, I'm a mess. You're the "evangelist". You're the dude in a shirt and tie with a mission. You've been called to some real important stuff. In fact, you've even appointed yourself as my own personal judge and jury. So, let's stop wasting time. What is it....?

What do you want?
What is your goal in all of this non-stop harassment?
What do you want from me?
What is it that you hope all of this will accomplish?

Please drop the insults and just talk to me. What are you needing from me to end this endless war between us?

Are you wanting to somehow get me to renounce my faith? Are you wanting me to pray through and become you find acceptable? Are you wanting me to leave the forum? Are you wanting me feel so emotionally damaged that I jump off of a bridge somewhere? Are you just testing my resolve? Are you just incapable of controlling yourself? Is personally insulting me non-stop just something you simply get enjoyment from? Are you wanting me to change political parties? Are you wanting me to be converted to Preterism?

Once you tell me, I can think things over and determine if what you're wanting is within my ability.

What do you want? What is your goal in all of this?

You have my undivided attention.
But I don't have your undivided attention. Because you're a professional at snow jobs. You must live post to post. Thinking that no one will remember your escapades? I have repeated myself to you, even when you took advantage of a testimony of my childhood, and used it for revenge. you crawfished out of responsibility with that one. As you did with your creepy comment concerning the flag of Dixie.

I'll say it for the twentieth time, you need to take your own advise Chris.

Save yourself from yourself.

Do what you said you would do
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence


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