Amazing Grace
Hello all,
I'm starting this thread looking for opinions and discussion. Not looking to start an argument.
I have 2 friends that are questioning everything we hold dear as Apostolic doctrine. One friend of mine has just last week called his pastor, denounced everything we believe and left the church. He also rebuked his pastor and told him to come out of this false doctrine. This man actually went a step further, called many people that he had invited to church over the years, and apologized for introducing them to false doctrine. He has denounced speaking in tongues, the necessity of any baptism and living above sin. He now believes that we are saved by grace, and grace alone. My friend now believes that he can sin, go confess his sins and poof, he's saved by grace.
All this was communicated to me by the man's pastor himself. What is most disturbing is that my friend was on fire for God. His pastor confirmed this to me. He was an avid reader of scripture, a ready witness and an awesome worshipper. God had delivered him from a life of drugs and sin. He always wore long sleeves, not because of standards but in order to cover up the sleeve tattoos he has.
My heart breaks for this man and his family. Now my second friend, he has not left the church, but he and I have had many discussions recently and I'm afraid he's on the same road. He refuses to acknowledge ANY OT scripture because we're no longer under the law. He believes our holiness standards are very close to being Pharisee in nature. His favorite preacher is Ron Carpenter (Google him). He views most of Oneness as observing traditions when it comes to doctrine, lifestyle and teaching. I have not heard him question baptism or receiving the holy ghost, but I feel like that is the path he is on. He has told me a few times, that he doesn't love his church.
I pray for him and I talk to him a lot. Many of the things he says have a thread of truth in them, but I feel like he's going about it the wrong way. He has told me he doesn't believe in prayer or fasting. He dismissed many of his elders beliefs as merely traditions. At one time, he was into Matt Maddix, if that tells you anything.
I'm looking for what thoughts the forum has on the Grace doctrine. Also, what experiences have any of you had with friends leaving truth. God bless and thank you in advance for your responses.