Originally Posted by Esaias
America is conquered, only a conquered nation has its founders vilified as evil.
Not hyperbole, not metaphor. Reality.
Not the entire nation, my friend. Only the mentally unstable leftist liberals who would rather see America destroyed. I wish they ALL would leave this country. I am sick of the leftist propaganda. I do not even watch the MSM or even the local news anymore because of the filth and lies perpetrated through the deception of the media. A mind so "open" that one's brain falls out is not an open mind, but a recipe for self destruction and the destruction of those around you as well.
I do not support colleges and universities who use tax payer funds to indoctrinate our kids into this pathetic liberal ideology. I support the removal of tax funds from these universities, and support private universities and institutions of higher learning which accurately promote truth and support American ideas and values.
What I have seen on here and in the media, which I watch little to nothing of, is nothing more than the continuation of individual self destruction being spread on a larger scale. I will say this, that I support my President. I support this government putting America first. I support hard work, support families, support law keeping, and support the Constitution. I support having a strong military, support having a conservative form of government, but am not a total libertarian, for some regulation is necessary. All in all, I am proud of this nation, and am proud of what this President has done. He spoke truth, though he could have spoken it in a much softer more diplomatic tone so as to appease some, but what he has said is truth.
The alt-right is wickedness, but then again groups like Antifa and BLM, which have continue to demonstrate violence and aggression are also wicked. Let the chips fall where they may. I denounce the MSM for being tools to try to destroy this nation, weaken the morale of her people, and try to destroy the American way of life. I denounce churches who side with racism and both the alt-right and the alt-left as no real churches, but institutions of wicked abominations who are being called to turn to Christ. If what I am saying offends you, then so be it. I cannot be more diplomatic than I am right now, but before we go one step further, I choose to speak out, exercise my Constitutional rights, and speak my mind.
Even as a Grace Preacher, enough is enough! If we do not stand together against this wave of socialism, communism, and liberalism that is borderline anarchy, then we will be trampled underfoot by it.