Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The GOP sated the racial hatred of these people by publically declaring that they would never work with him. How is that even acceptable? Why was it ever acceptable? The President won the Electoral College and popular vote both times he ran.
That same ugly swath of Americans helped propel tripe to his position, the same tripe that sought to delegitimize Obama, is now using his position to do what every chance he gets?
Instead of fixing Healthcare or working on a bilateral plan, the vocal, ugly swath of Americans convinced their Representatives and Senators to completely ignore the desires of over 50% of the country. There's no proof that Iran is not abiding by the agreement, but tripe is already laying the groundwork for attacking Iran for not abiding by the deal. Transgendered (and soon to follow gays) to be booted from the military. There are other examples...
You and I may see it as nothing more than politics-- but there is an ugly swath of Americans that applaud every assault on Obama's "legacy" and it is these folks who turned out in droves to volunteer and support tripe and it is these folks he is careful to not offend because it is these "alternative-Republicans" that the likes of Gingrich and Santorum and Rush and that other guy with the super-whiny voice will feed into every once in a while just so that this ugly swath knows that the Republican Party appreciates them. They are motivated by a sense of racial superiority and they are NOT acknowledged but neither are they marginalized by the GOP. They are never completely ignored in the GOP and tripe is not about to publically disavow himself from his base in any meaningful way. So Charlottesville happened, and in the words of one white supremacist, "This is just the beginning."
I applauded EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE in which Barry Sotero was thwarted and opposed. I wish he had been arrested and tried for treason. He was not lawfully our President. Which means every single thing he " accomplished" is lawfully null and void.
So I guess I'm part of that "ugly swath of Americans" that you fantasize about wearing white sheets and what not.
Saying the things you say only has one effect: anyone other than die hard leftard democrat liberals conclude you are just a black supremacist left wingnut hater incapable of rational thought and unyielding on your agenda, ergo dialogue is not needed, necessary, possible, or even desired.
Think about that, Jermyn. Constantly screeching that, essentially, any white person who does not kiss the feet of Dear Overlord Obama must be wayciss and klannish just makes people realize you are beyond communicating with.