Originally Posted by jediwill83
its my view that of something is important enough to reference a curse when demanding it be followed in New Testament times, it should be followed exactly how it was in the period of time the curse applied.
Dont threaten me with a curse for not following a Old Testament tax and welfare program when you have taken the liberty of modifying how it was collected, what was collected, how much was collected and why it was collected.
Yes I believe in giving and I give like crazy, freely out of the kindness of my own heart.
Stingy? I started a company just so that we COULD give and a heck of alot more than 10%
Of course now you will have people say, "But muh established principles before the law was written!"
Abraham tithed on things that was NOT his increase as a battle tax, one of the other patriarchs made a conditional vow to tithe IF God blessed him...
I think a bigger effort needs to be made teaching and encouraging financial responsibility and entrepreneurship in churches NOT "the more you give the more you will be blessed." just doesnt happen like that,sorry.
People will disagree and say,"Well you didnt give enough" or "You're not living right" all kinds of excuses.
Walking in your blessing takes effort other than the effort it takes to pull out your wallet or write a check.
I'm a little confused...did I threaten you with a curse? Not sure why you quoted my post and then said that. Like I said, new here so I may be missing something.