The unmeasurable power of prayer...
Prayer is a subject that a lot of folks don't mind speaking about, but not all put into practiuce. Speaking for myself here, I can tell you that there are times that I don't want to think about get-down, grabbing the horns of the altar kind of praying.
It involves sacrifice and strength and time, ya know?! Even whispering a prayer on the run involves thinking about the needs of others.
But God ordained that men and women ought to always pray, and that without ceasing.
Whoa!! Praying all of the time...24/ in a realm of never ending prayer. How can this be?! How is it possible?!
Well, I believe we pray without ceasing when we remember to always pray. Seems elementary, yet how often have I lacked praying in season...not praying when the spirit of prayer came upon me because I was too weary or busy or just flat out didn't feel like it?!
Yet there is a power that cannot be matched in the prayers of God's people. When the Church prayed, men were released from prison. When they prayed, the dead rose, blinded eyes were opened, and the lame walked. Demons were cast out and sin sick hearts healed and set free when the Church prayed.
There are many wonderful things about prayer, not the least of which is that one doesn't need to know reasons or specific needs to simply pray. Prayer reaches to those places and emotions that we can't easily describe to others, yet the great and wonderful Master of our souls knows just what we need and when we need.
Prayer transcends time and place, meaning that we can pray for someone who may be a zillion miles away, knowing that the omnipresent Father of us all can do His thing and heal and comfort and soothe and restore and protect and provide, and we don't have to even be there.
I don't have to lay my hand on you to pray. I can sit here at my computer and pray for strength for the journey and rest for the soul. I can drive in my car and pray that God would minister to your need today. I can lay on my face in the carpet and intercede to the Almighty on your behalf that He would convict and deliver and restore.
Prayer knows no boundaries and can do what NOTHING else can do. Confrontation and headbanging may only gender strife, but prayer can turn the hardened heart and bring favor.
My prayer today is a selfish one...I am praying for ME!! I am praying to have a heart after God and seek His face as never before. I pray that the spirit of prayer might rest on me and direct my steps and speak to my inner beings so that I might have a positive effect on those in my realm of influence. I want to be a vessel He works through and not just speaks to.
Help me, Jesus...