Originally Posted by n david
It is a government takeover of healthcare. Medicare is government healthcare.
No. It isn't. lol
The United Kingdom has taken over healthCARE. Doctors are government employees. Single payer is only INSURANCE. With single payer the government only makes sure that patients are covered and that doctors are paid.
The problem with using meme's and cartoons, is they're extremely exaggerated and almost always wrong.
So, are saying that our patchwork private insurance system is not a red tape nightmare? And what happens when an insurance company denies coverage for a service rendered? Doctors aren't paid. And that loss is passed down to us, the consumer through higher costs in healthcare, which inflates our premiums. So, by denying coverage... insurance companies get the sheer joy of charging us more.
Most of the medical community is at wits end with our system. There are pockets of doctors and specialists who attend to the well to do. They aren't concerned as much as the average doctor or private practitioner.