Originally Posted by Originalist
We live in a constitutional, representative republic. Thus far, the people as a while have not demanded their representatives create a single payer system. No State except Vermont has enacted such a system either, and the people there abandoned it.
For Single Payer to work several things have to be accomplished. There must be a tax increase. However, for the individual, the tax increase has to be less than the average cost of monthly premiums thereby allowing them to save money. Any taxation placed on businesses have to be less than what they typically pay to provide employee insurance and what they pay towards employee care. This requires the necessary population, income, and business demographics to be in place. The single payer legislation in Vermont was set aside because it wasn't time. The tax increase necessary would be greater than current expenditures. Vermont is a rather small state. It would be better if Vermont and several other states formed a regional single payer program.
States actively moving towards single payer are:
In the U.S. Congress H.R. 676 (Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act) is gaining momentum as the problems with both Trumpcare and Obamacare are compared.
Single payer health insurance is a BIG move. It's perhaps the largest political vision of the century. It will be perhaps the most significant development in the United States.
So you cannot blame this on the GOP. We cannot let ourselves be blackmailed into passing laws that the people reject just because some nut demands that we do and threatens violence if we don't. That gunmen yesterday did not attack Republicans, he attacked the whole people of America and our constitution.
I agree. The problem is when legislation stands to physically harm millions of Americans. There will be backlash.