Originally Posted by n david
What about obama? Why not blame him? Dude had 8 years and only made it worse with obamacare.
That's an opinion. It is also subject to what state one lives in. Those states led by the GOP who refused to participate in the Medicaid expansion and the ACA market exchanges, saw EXTREME rise in cost. Basically, the Republicans stuck it to these people and blamed Obama. Here in Ohio, our leadership (Republican) bought into the program and it has been a success.
You're complaining about Trump who has been in office all of 4 1/2 months and who has had to deal with the fake collusion scandal perpetrated by Democrats and the media.
So, you believe Trump will eventually come out with a plan rivalling Roosevelt's New Deal to prevent the GOP Congress from eviscerating current coverage and save the day? I doubt it. Trump is no Roosevelt.
It's called being a partisan hack. You can't blame Trump, but you do because he's the eevvvvviiiiiiillllllllllll Republican. Strike two, he's rich. Strike three, no skin in the game.
Most Democrats are rather rich too. And judging by Trump's history of deception, womanizing, groping, confessing to wanting to "f" a woman like a dog, lies, and questionable business dealing... I'd say that Trump definitely isn't a righteous man. Evil? Eh... "Corrupt"... definitely.