Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Don't just mean well, I'm just reading a Bible was written to people in the Bronze and Iron age. They didn't have similar attire, they didn't wear Hotel bathrobes. Hillary in a pant suit is a Hell Spewing Abomination.

They wore an inner garment, a tunic, that they secured with a belt. They wore an outer garment, a larger tunic, over it. They wore sandals and hide shoes. And, as Pliny's reference bore out, men and women, sometimes wore pantaloons too keep warm in the colder months. Women wore veils , it was common for both men's and women's outer garments often had a hood. Clothing for both genders was very similar, only differences were the length of the inner and outer tunics. For worn, they extended to the ankle. For men, they extended to the knee or mid calf. Beyond length, differences could include embroidery, color, and sometimes the texture of the fabrics.
If I'm wrong, please provide evidence.