Originally Posted by n david
Intent? There's not a bit of difference between a guy watching a porn video to satisfy his lust and a guy closing his eyes to imagine the same thing to satisfy his lust.
Porn isn't the baseline. Would you say that what you and your wife do in private is pornographic? No. It's making love. And so, if you think about making love, it's not pornography.
smh So your commentary of Matthew 5:28 is that Jesus was saying it's only sin to look and lust after a woman if you want to use and exploit her??
I'm saying that intention is everything. If you're single and your are totally smitten with a single woman's beauty and you desire her... you haven't sinned. Walk up to her. Introduce yourself. Get to know her. Find out if she's as beautiful a person on the inside as she is on the outside.
But if you see a beautiful woman and all you desire is her body... that's sin.
Oh, so Jesus was only talking about married men, right? Somewhere Jesus later mentioned that His words there aren't applicable to single men.
I'm only saying that Jesus specifically states that the action described is "adultery". That implies that the man is married and the woman he's gazing at isn't his wife.
I'd never tell a single male that he's sinned for being blown over by a woman's beauty and that it is wrong to desire her if she's single too. I'd expect him to maybe get to know her.
Sexual attraction is not the same as using your mind to enact a porn scene.
Elaborate. I want to know how you are distinguishing the two. I might agree. By the way, imagining making love (which is a perfectly natural and normal desire) isn't porn. Why is porn your base line?
And uptight, don't forget uptight!
Oh, thanks. You're right. Uptight.
I guess I should be more like you and others who go even further and watch porn with their spouses and trade partners.
Wow. You're really running with this. Who brought up watching porn with their spouse and wife swapping? I'm starting to wonder about you.
Man, this whole bringing my flesh into subjection is just a bummer! Paul was so uptight!
Actually, he wasn't. Paul stated,
1 Corinthians 7:9 (ESV)
9 But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Notice, Paul doesn't say that if they cannot exercise self-control they have sinned and must repent. Paul specifically acknowledges that some urges can be beyond one's control. And Paul implies that it is normal to have those desires and encourages that the individual who does burn with passions they can't control should marry... not repent.
Now. Obviously whatever action they were unable to control was obviously not fornication, that would demand repentance. They were single, so it obviously wasn't adultery. A little common sense is needed here... they obviously couldn't control their desire for physical companionship. Paul goes on to describe this condition as one in which the individual "burns with passion". They have desires and needs that must be met. They need to seek a spouse. It's all common sense.
You have kids don't you n david? Did you tell your kids that sexual thoughts, desires, etc. are sin?
What happens when a boy has completely associated the desire for a woman with being sinful? He's sworn to God that he'll never think it again for the 10,000th time and now he's on his knees feeling like he's failed God to the point wherein there's no hope. The psychological ramifications can open the door to an abomination. I'm lovingly warning you. If it becomes obvious that your son digs girls... he stares a bit too long... or daydreams after a woman walks by. Don't rebuke him. Don't tell him he's a monster for being a man. Assure him that his feelings and desires are normal and healthy. They indicate he's becoming a man. Encourage him to have the courage to introduce himself and get to know girls. And assure him that on some random day he'll unexpectedly meet... "the one" who will capture his thoughts, dreams, and fantasies for the rest of his life.
Help him embrace being a man.
Read it again. They didn't fantasize sexually about each other chapter 4, which was after the marriage at the end of chapter 3.
Bro, I just read it from chapter 1 verse 1 to the end of chapter three. There are quite a few sexual euphemisms indicating what they are thinking about before the end of chapter 3. Here's one. Careful, you might have to visualize it in your head to really grasp what she's saying....
Song of Solomon 2:3
As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat in his shadow,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Oh, the end of chapter three isn't the wedding. It is the arrival of the king for the wedding. The wedding actually begins in chapter 4 as the groom looks into the yes of his bride and begins admiring her beauty.
Again, finding someone attractive and putting that person in your own private porn show are two different things. Sin always presents itself as something "normal and healthy." What is normal and healthy isn't always holy, and that's what blows your argument away.
Again, why is your baseline always porn? Sex isn't porn. Thoughts about sex aren't porn. Making love isn't porn. Thoughts about making love aren't born. Porn is porn. Don't let the devil define what is holy and beautiful.
One sentence doesn't match the other. Can't claim both.
I honestly don't think you read them closely.
It's even normal and healthy to have sexual thoughts and desires about the woman you want to marry.
This sentence implies that the young man is unmarried and the young woman is unmarried. It is simply saying that sexual thoughts and desires for the woman one plans to marry is healthy and normal. In fact, it's a beautiful and holy desire. And to reserve fulfillment of that desire for your wedding night is also beautiful and holy.
What is sin is when a married man gazes upon a woman who isn't his wife and has sexual thoughts and desires that he intends to act upon.
I think it's obvious. The man is married and looking on a woman who isn't his wife with desire. Sin.