""James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!""
That was a 5AM tweet from Dear Leader on May 12th, after news broke that the Senate Intelligence Committee invited Comey to speak at a closed hearing tomorrow. Comey declined appearing in a closed hearing. Comey reportedly wants a public hearing because he wants his testimony heard by the public and not have bits and pieces leaked to the press from both sides of the aisle.
Back to the tweet: First, the WH objected to the tweet being viewed as some sort of threat, which is laughable. How is that not considered a threat? Call it a "warning" or whatever you want, POTUS just publicly tried to silence the only source who could publicly say whether or not POTUS is a liar.
POTUS claims that, not once, but "three times" Comey voluntarily told Trump that Trump was not being investigated. Now that members of Congress are lining up to invite Comey to speak to their committees, POTUS is scared, because he knows Comey knows the truth.
I don't believe for a second that Comey told POTUS this. Trump is a known and habitual liar. He lied over and over during the Primary campaign and even during the campaign against Clinton.
So that brings us to the threat of these Nixon-like Oval Office tapes. Schumer today warned the WH not to destroy any tapes and that doing so was a violation of the law. Other members of congress, including GOP members, have called on the WH to release the tapes if there are any.
This morning Sean Spicer refused to allow any question about the tapes. Any question regarding the tapes was ignored and Spicer went on to the next question. Too bad the press didn't just unite and either leave the room or refuse to ask another question until Spicer answered about the tapes.
I don't believe there are any tapes. Again, Trump is a known liar and he's a serial bluffer. The man has nothing. He's all talk and no substance. We're seeing proof of this as he has failed to deliver on promise after promise made during the campaign.
Now, if there are any audio recordings, the WH could well deny the existence of any "tapes," as such, and be telling the truth. Schumer and other members should drop the "tapes" label and start pursuing "audio recording files" from the WH. Any recording in the Oval Office would be done using digital recording equipment, not a Nixon-era tape recorder.
POTUS needs to stop the threats, the lies, the bluffing, and the tantrums. He needs to stop being a 2 year old and start acting Presidential.
2020 seems a long time from now, but I hope it passes quickly. And I hope Amash or another conservative mounts a campaign against Trump. I'd like to vote for POTUS in 2020, but I will continue to refuse to vote for this imbecile if no one challenges him.