Originally Posted by Aquila
Honestly, the Democrats are far closer to what the Republicans were in the 1980's. The modern Republican Party has moved radically to the right in many areas.
Tell me more about how the republican party of the 80's wanted to tear down the foundation of civil society, kill children even up to the moment they are going to be delivered, apologize for America, dictate to all that they can't buy a coke bigger than 16oz, try to manage every facet of our lives including our conscious, and a thousand other things we see dems pushing for. Perhaps i missed something (like a whole decade).
Originally Posted by Aquila
Might we be seeing a grassroots desire to make right-wing pastors more accountable for what they say and teach and how it effects social policy?
We may see that, if we do, it won't be grass roots, it will be political activists who are enemies of the gospel, enemies of truth, and enemies of Jesus Christ himself. Or to keep it simple and just use the language of
Romans 5, the enemies of God.
If we see a grass roots movement of any kind, it will tend to encourage the unfettered preaching of God's Word and result in revival, not concern over "social policy" and if a boy can say he feels like a girl to walk into the wrong bathroom.