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Old 02-22-2017, 02:52 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
It's interesting many republicans/Christians are taking a stand against Muslims and Jihad, and open immigration.

And many on the left are taking a stand against Christianity and blaming Christianity for the resistance to their agenda of abortion, LGBT rights, ect.

Our world is spinning out of control in ways I would have never imagined just 10 years ago, and the only hope is that God would raise up prophets that will call our country to repentance, prayer, and consecration for a world wide revival.

Rise up men of God and call us to repentance, prayer and revival.
Please understand, I'm referring to social policy and advocacy...

I sometimes feel like conservative Christianity has abandoned its call to ensure social justice for the poor, the widows, and the strangers. Conservative Christianity has abandoned the educational system. Conservative Christianity has also abandoned justice as it relates to oppressing a hireling in his wages. In addition, conservative Christianity has abandoned care and respect for creation, the very handiwork of the Creator God. Conservative Christianity seems to have abandoned the cause of ensuring equal rights for women, minorities, and others. Conservative Christianity appears to have abandoned the sick in their adoration of the "free market' (which isn't "free" if the major players are writing rules that only benefit themselves). Conservative Christians have even abandoned the notion of protecting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security which so many elderly depend upon. Conservative Christianity has also embraced the law and order philosophy of the police state, which has caused America to be guilty of incarcerating more of her citizens per capita than any other Western nation (take note, a great percentage of prison systems are privatized and are for profit). They have abandoned all of these things in their desire to embrace the social Darwinism of anarcho-capitalism.

The only moral issues the right hasn't abandoned is their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.

On the flip side, the more progressive Christians seem to be committed to the moral imperative of social justice for the stranger, the widow, the poor, and the hireling. They seem to be committed to orphans and single parents. They see Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security as a moral imperative to be protected and even better funded. Progressive Christians see protecting air, soil, and water as being just as much a moral imperative as any other, for without clean air, soil, and water.... there can be no life. Progressive Christians believe that it is an imperative for our society to care for the sick and to ensure that they receive the treatments and/or procedures they need. Progressive Christians feel that criminal justice reform is a must, we are incarcerating an entire generation over issues that are better classified as public health issues than criminal issues. Progressive Christians believe that civil equality regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual identity, or sexual preference is a must for a just and equitable society.

The only issues Progressive Christians appear to be weak on is abortion and gay marriage. Here, they see the issue of abortion as a deeply personal issue relating to health and the sovereignty of a woman's body. They feel it best to leave the decision as to abort or not to abort better left in the hands of individual women. As for gay marriage, they see the need for absolute civil equality, feeling that liberty is holy.... even if men and women choose sin over righteousness.

I've always felt that the Left is therefore 80% Christian while the right is 20% Christian. However, the right is just louder about the remaining 20% of their Christian convictions than the left is regarding the 80% of their Christian convictions.

Sadly, I feel that conservative Christianity has painted itself into a proverbial corner wherein they'd vote for the most radial fascist, if he professed to be pro-life and anti-gay. I mean, I've even heard Franklin Graham praise Vladimir Putin for his strong armed stance against gay Russians. Graham doesn't seem to care that the man is a cold blooded killer and virtual dictator dedicated to usurping American influence throughout the world.

I will say this. No matter what side of the fence one finds themselves on.... these are truly interesting times for Christianity.
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