Originally Posted by Amanah
Your beliefs remind me of the teachings of Joseph Campbell. Did you at one time attend an Apostolic Church?
Yes, I did attend an Apostolic church. My first mystical experience was speaking in tongues. A memory I will forever cherish. Did you know that other faith traditions experience speaking in tongues? Personally, I found that fascinating.
I am familiar with the works of John Campbell. Much of what he has written resonates with me and my own experience.
However the most significant reason for my beliefs stems from a NDE I had years ago. Since that time I've explored NDEs and comparative religion & spirituality. I've also studied ADC and mediumship, psychometry, and other "psychic" phenomena. Religion really didn't help me understand or reconcile my experience with my Apostolic faith tradition.
This caused me to seek answers elsewhere. Surprisingly, understanding Modalism (multiple modes of a single divine being) was instrumental in helping me along this path.