Originally Posted by Aquila
Trump was assisted throughout his Presidential campaign by Russia (they will expect favors in return).
Trump praises Russia and known fascist dictator Putin repeatedly.
Trump has tons of money invested in Russia.
Trump refuses to release his tax returns which would show how deep these investments go.
Trump invites more hacking by Russia, instead of denouncing it fervently and promising an American response to such criminal acts.
Trump supports stop and frisk gun grabs.
Trump asked about using nuclear weapons regarding regional issues three times in a 30 minute security briefing.
Trump supports isolationist trade policies.
Trump met with the heads of media to threaten them should they wish to continue reporting anything negative about him.
Trump has appointed an Alt-Right nationalist to Chief Strategist.
Trump supports a national registry of all Muslim citizens.
Trump has appointed men who support internment camps for Muslims.
Trump supports revoking citizenship to flag burners.
Trump supports the creation of a special department with the authority to go door to door to find illegal immigrants and deport them.
Trump supports building a Berlin style wall across our Southern boarder.
Trump does not support the NATO Alliance.
If the man openly supported death camps, he'd score 100% on his NAZI admissions testing.
What incredible nonsense and exaggerations!!! You have swallowed the far left talking points that didn't help them win the election because it is just total nonsense!! And the American people just don't believe it!!
Trump wants to strengthen America, the left wants to destroy America. What is wrong with nationalism??? Nazism is not nationalism it is evil. Nationalism is a desire to protect a foundation to live in peace in the world, a place to be able to build wealth and resources to help and bless the poor and the oppressed.
The left has the same attitude toward family, tear it down, which they have successfully done in the inner cities.
I don't know if Trump will succeed, but at least he has broken up the leftist monopoly.