Originally Posted by mfblume
What a nutcase. You've disagreed with the the word and are the farthest I've seen on this forum from the word. You're closed minded to anything you don't already think about the word. And your words about the cross and salvation by works proves it. You sir are reprobate. I've rarely ever said that to anyone, but you fit the box.
And several witnesses on this forum have agreed.
Agreed. The term gnostic fits him well. Ever seeking, and never learning, and admitting that he knows little, yet setting himself up as a judge to cross-examine things, as if he is in a position to be the judge. These are his own words, and they stand.
Originally Posted by shazeep
fine, then bring me your Witness, and i will cross examine Her, and we will see, ok?
What kind of quacky courtroom is this?