ok, about 'baptism,' this baptism thing. baptism is just a symbol for immersion ok, you got immersed in water in the womb; baptized in to the earth the day you were born--a hard thing, but you just forget it. ask your mom you were crying and everything. then, you got immersed in the world, but that one was easy, learning the
rituals of your society, was all that one was. is you 'baptism' just another of those rituals? seek the baptism of the Spirit and the fire one find out how to get immersed in those. and don't be...don't assume glossing the lolia is anything other than another societal ritual, ok. Spirit is
Word, so go get immersed in the Word. just look at what society deems "Word," just go ask any guy on the street what "God's Word" means, and then take it as a given that he will almost surely probably accurately reflect back to you what society, the world, has immersed him in as far as "God's Word" is concerned, and proceed from there ok
and don't worry about the "fire" one too much, find the Spirit one, and the fire one will find you, i'm pretty sure