Originally Posted by shazeep
nice. well, not nice, but the natural premise of like-minded people, who really aren't as like minded as they would like to think. Right? How can two walk together, unless they be in agreement? which of course we take to mean "agreeing on beliefs," when that is not what is meant; as evidenced by those who say they are "in agreement," yet feel compelled to seek differences, rather than agreement!
Ah yes there is that or so it seems. I like to think in terms of being compelled to be enlightening rather than being compelled to seek differences. But thinking this through a bit more completely. There are two elements to discussion, defense and offense. Either you are defending (defense) your beliefs or you are propagating your belief. (Offense). It seems regardless as to whether one is defending a belief or propagating a belief, someone gets hurt.
The point I was making above about the beginning of what many call the "out second pouring of the HG", which in fact was the out pouring in America. Had its beginnings among what we might call today non denominational groups. It was further centered around receiving the HG, not building a certain group under a certain name. What began with a small group of bible school students in Topeka K. Quickly spread to California from which it went to the whole world in less than 15 years.
In those days salvation meant when someone believed, and followed that belief with baptism. (baptism not being part of the salvational plan) It was in 1913 that what is termed the "revelation of the Godhead" was brought out. At the world wide camp meeting in Arroyo Seco CA. Here is the thing, those early men, did not make these new revelations a point of separation of fellowship unless forced to do so.
In the beginning the UPCI was formed primarily to bring together men and women joined together by their belief in the oneness of the Godhead. For many years these men and women fellowshipped with each other in love and kindness. And the organization grew. But just like in the early 1900's when men began to cause divisions concerning doctrinal belief. When UPCI began to do the same is when IMO they started to crumble.
Are they dying? No I think they are already dead. As dead as the Methodist, Baptist, 7th day Adventist, and I could go on.