Originally Posted by votivesoul
Even though the word "church" is in the title of the organization, can we all agree that the UPCI is not the "church" in the Biblical sense of the word?
Can we agree that whatever noble ideals and aspirations the people within the organization have, and whatever unction from God that exists on their lives, it is them, and not the organization, that is the church?
This being the case, when that Last Trump sounds, it will not be the UPCI that finds itself face to face with the Lord in the air, but rather, the saints of God who are the church who will meet Jesus.
As such, being a man-made organization, with many laws and regulations of man governing it, one being those laws and regulations that govern tax exemption status, for example, wouldn't it behoove us all to desire that the people within the organization step up and out of all that is man-made around them, that is surrounding them, and yes, even sometimes suffocating them, and get free, so they can be all that God wants them to be, without man-made limitations?
And if this be so, wouldn't the demise of the UPCI be right and just before God, so His people can be liberated from something God Himself did not create and had no part in causing?
I mean, don't we all believe that the only "organization" God cares about is the Body of Christ?
If yes, then all man-made organizational efforts are obsolete (and perhaps go against God in their establishing).
If no, then by what means or merit can we, through the lens of Scripture declare that God is involved in and cares about the UPCI, or any other ecclesiastical organization, for that matter?