Originally Posted by mfblume
You twist everything I say, to something I never meant, and when I clarify it you reject my clarification.
i can only point to the plantation owner here, and ask you to put yourself in the place of him in a discussion about owning slaves. You might see that it has come out in our discussions that
you do not even really believe what you say you believe, but likely the only indication you will get in that state is an inability to reply to a question, because the answer is too painful--and we have reached that state of silence several times now, MB. Is it possible that i got us there by sophistry? Yes, it is. I have no absolute truth for you, like you do for me.
This manifests, from your pov, as me twisting your words, you clarifying, and me rejecting. You might bring up an instance of this, and we can put it through the fire, surrounded by witnesses; i have no problem with this ok. Paint me into a corner. Prove me wrong, for your own understanding.