What We Will Get With Hillary
This just scratches the surface:
1. Higher taxes
2. Deeper National debt
3. Open borders
4. Abortion more readily available
5. Weak economy
6. Weak foreign policy
7. LGBT proliferation
8. Public education's continued poor performance
9. Free trade at the expense of American workers
10. High numbers of people on government assistance
11. Tough job market
12. High numbers of people out of the work force
13. Corruption at the highest levels
14. Weakening of our military with cuts in funding
15. Embracing of United Nations and surrendering of our sovereignty
16. Anti-Israeli foreign policy
17. Continued feckless approach to Iran
18. Continued feckless approach to N Korea
19. Trade policies that are unfair to the US
20. Political correctness on steroids
21. Blurring of the lines between the Clinton Foundation and Oval Office access
22. Continued assaults on religious freedom
23. Supreme Court Justice appointments with judges that have a skewed view of the Constitution and their role as interpreters of the law, not legislators from the bench
24. Bill being "first gentleman" in the White House saying and doing God knows what
25. Lying like we have never seen before
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
Last edited by deacon blues; 10-14-2016 at 09:36 AM.