We are called to "change," and one constant that we all have in common is being affected by change. But have you, or essentially your beliefs--as distinct from your faith--changed lately? Have they changed at all, from your public confession? You might just go and ask those close to you, but this is a difficult conversation. I suggest that you should, and do, get indications from your peers when/if you have changed, although these may be subtle; and that a lack of these should be examined.
Do you even need to change?
Why do you need to change?
How do you need to change?
How have you changed in the last year?
Has this change been remarked upon, even if the remark was non-verbal?
I guess i should insert an appropriate verse here, but a search of "change" in the NT
is really too rich to just pick one imo, even though i'm going to anyway
For you know that even when he afterward desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for a change of mind though he sought it.
They never change, who don't fear God. (OT)