Part One: God and Christ
- To me there is but one God, the Father, Creator and Sustainer of the known and unknown cosmos, of all that was, all that is, and all that will be
- And one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father...
...was prophesied to come in the sacred writings of the Old Covenant
...was promised to Israel as a Shepherd, King, High Priest, Prophet, and Savior...
...of the lineage of King David, of the tribe of Judah
...was born of a virgin
...lived a holy life of perfect righteousness
...declared the coming Kingdom of God His Father
...was betrayed into the hands of sinners...
...and was offered up as a sacrifice to God, a sweet savor... order to expiate the sins of the world by propitiating His Father...
...through crucifixion
...was buried...
...but on the third day, was raised to life by the glory of the Father, according to the Holy Scriptures...
...and appeared alive before many witnesses...
...and by so doing, defeated Satan...
...and by so doing, conquered death and hell
...ascended into the heavens and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty of God the Father...
...and remains there alive, to this day...
...making constant intercession in accordance with His atoning, sacrificial death, until all enemies are subdued under Him... the power of the Most High...
...and the gift of the Holy Spirit, even the Spirit of Truth
...will descend from the heavens at the Last Trump, bringing with Him myriads of His saints, to judge the world in righteousness, and bring about a full end of all sinful rebellion against Him