The United Pentecostal Church
I want to discuss with any of you who attend
or who are pastors and evangelists in the
United Pentecostal Church.
It is a terrible disgrace and horrific tragedy
to that which has happened to the
United Pentecostal Church.
Sin and unholiness has
infected and polluted and desecrated
the once great United Pentecostal Church.
They should change their name to
United unholy Pentecostal Church.
Here is my offer to you.
The pastor, any of you.
If you want to get back
to the glory in God that you once beheld.
Here I am.
I will show you the way.
If not
you will go the way of all the rest.
No power or the blessing of God.
Actually you all are already there.
Look at you.
I can longer tell the difference between you
and the other christian heathens.
Last edited by HappyJ; 05-12-2016 at 09:56 AM.