Actually it's a white supremacist, Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the KKK!
First David Duke and now this group. How long will it take Trump and his supporters to denounce this group and reject their endorsement?
"""In a sit-down interview with a Richmond news station, the Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan said Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is his candidate for President.
The KKK leader, identified by WWBT only as “Imperial Wizard,” also insisted his organization is not a hate group, telling the station’s black anchor, “We don’t hate anyone.”
Asked who he was supporting in the 2016 race, the wizard replied: “I think Donald Trump would be best for the job.”
"The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because
a lot of what he believes in, we believe in. We want our country to be safe,” he said."""
"""It's not the first time Trump has earned the support of the KKK. Former leader David Duke endorsed the Republican in February, sparking outrage over Trump's delayed response in distancing himself from Duke."""