This is being posted for the benefit of those who haven't lost their brains due to Cruz virus infection.
"However, the best way to understand the issue of his support is to actually listen to Ted Cruz explain in 2015 why he supported, then stopped supporting TPA:"
(video at link)
"TPA is HR2146 (TPA “Trade Promotion Authority” containing “Fast Track”): This House Bill #2146 originating April 30th ’15, became the vehicle for passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.
HR2146 was originally introduced in the House of Representatives as a bill to address issues with retirement funds of federal law enforcement officers and firefighters.
In the beginning of the congressional session, with Republicans now in control of both the House and Senate, in Feb-March-April of 2015, Senator Ted Cruz and House Ways and Means Chairman, Representative Paul Ryan, supported Trade Promotion Authority being added to HR2146.
Their support was most notable when they posted the following Op-Ed which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on April 22nd: "
Lots more at the link, including more links. Warning: Cruzbots will see things that contradict their hopey-changey unicorn farts and skittles delusions, so its best they just ignore the link(s) and keep chanting "Yes we can!"