Originally Posted by Pressing-On
You may want to consider that YOU have a 1st Amendment right to preach and teach your Full Preterism, which I don't agree with. So, there is that.
So, there is that? What IS that?
Full Preterism? I'm Apostolic Pentecostal who believes in a fulfilled eschatology.
So you don't believe that? Fine I don't know what you believe as far as eschatology and you can't just say that you believe in a rapture, a physical return of Jesus etc, etc, because those items does not an eschatology make. While you and some others might perk up and state you believe in Dispensationalism, or some other modified version of it, the real test is when you sit through a series of questions pertaining to the scriptures on how YOU see those scriptures being fulfilled. Then we would see how much you were right or wrong concerning what YOU believe. Also, the first amendment doesn't give anyone any rights to preach the Gospel. People who lived in Communist countries taught us the lessons that we didn't need a piece of paper to preach or teach.
Now, let's look into your post to me, you don't believe what I believe as far as eschatology? Fine, like I said if you were questioned to exegete certain scriptures we might find that no one believes what you believe. But let's stay on track, what about Ted? While you may swoon over each other in the eschatology section, you wouldn't be honey hugging in soteriology? Because Ted and his dad, don't believe water baptism is necessary to salvation, they don't believe that what is said over anyone is important and both Cruzs were baptized in titles. Also they totally believe that once a person says the sinner's prayer they are saved and in good standing with God. They don't believe it is necessary to speak with tongues, or that God is one person instead of three separate persons working all in a unified effort with each other to get things done. So, my eschatology you don't agree with? Fine, that's no problem. But soteriology? Well, now that's a bigger issue and one that beats eschatology. I was saved when I was a futurist, as all futurists are saved who obeyed
Acts 2:38, and are proceeding forward following Christ.
But as for your perfect leader Ted Cruz? If he were to die today would he be as saved as YOU?