Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
I would have voted for him at one time, now he can forget it. At least with Hillary you know what you get (and itd be bad).. I think Donald would be WORSE than Hillary. Can you imagine his ego and when he goes on a power trip if he becomes the leader of the free world? I know its unpopular, but it would be an unprecedented disaster. He would be the American Putin and Republican Jimmy Carter all at once. I cant imagine a worse candidate than him...Id rather have Obama for a third term. And i cant stand Obama or Hillary and certainly not Bernie Sanders (the ONLY person i think could be worse than Trump or Hillary).
In regard to the others, Id vote for Rubio, i still like him, but itd be a half hearted vote. His continual knowlingly false attacks on Cruz really put me off. But hes still my #2. And though some will moan, I like Jeb as #3. I hate common core, but Id vote for Jeb and be glad I did if he were the nonomin. After that, i dont like Kasich, and Carson is an afterthought at this point, though overall he may have the highest moral character of any candidate.
I just hope its not Trump.
I hope it's not Trump either. We will see how South Carolina votes on Saturday. It will show us just how angry the electorate is at the GOP. The Tweets in support of Trump are insanely amazing.
1. If GWB supporters pull away from Trump after SC Debate, there are enough Democrats to fill the void.
2. I don't care what he says or does as long as he can fix this mess.
3. I don't care if he had mob dealings, I like the mob.
These people are so angry they don't realize that character is also an important issue.
The worse part is that Trump won't really be vetted until after he possibly gets the nomination. He isn't being asked any real hard questions. It's unbelievable the information the Democrats are sitting on in anticipation.