Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Also tweeted that Cruz was a terrible Christian. Thats rich coming from Trump, who has claimed to be a Christian (Presbyterian), of whom the pastor of his "home church" said The Donald is not an active member, and said something like its been 20 years since he last came. In addition to Trumps potty mouth, constant vulgarity, constant insults, never apologizing, saying he doesn't need forgiveness (even from God) to say nothing of owning casinos, its serms a bit far fetched to call Cruz a phony.
He's despicable.
That said, I read a story tonight that said Cruz gave 1% of his 2012 (?) Income of $5 million to charity, and no donations to his church. Thats a concern for someone touting their faith.
The reports that he turned in aren't clear as to whether his tithing practice was included, and I don't think a person's charitable giving is anyone's business. I also don't believe a single church body needs more than $44,000 a year from a single patron. He has worked pro bono, and has also donated time to charitable and educational endeavors.
Other than that, you are spot on with Donald Trump Corleone.