Re: The only way to stop Trump
When white people vote for a white candidate, it has nothing to do with the candidate's race. When black people vote for a black candidate, it's only because of the candidate's race. Alan Keyes has always carried the black vote because black people only consider race in voting. Alan Keyes has never been a major political contender because white people vote for other white people. It is real simple, this voting stuff!
Reagan Democrats crossed the line and voted for Reagan simply because he was white.
Obama Republicans crossed the line and voted for him simply because he was black.
Gay males will vote for HRC because they like the way she dresses.
Straight females will vote for Trump because they are attracted to his confidence.
Actual policies and ideas have NOTHING to do with the decision-making of any of the voting blocs mentioned above.
It's all superficial for everyone.
Or maybe it's only superficial for black people.
Or maybe it's only superficial for me.
Which one is it Deacon?
Anyone else who has accused me, wanted to accuse me, or just think they already know me?
You have me figured out. Which of the statements is the truth? Don't answer for my sake. I already know the truth.
Political hack.
Trick pony.
All of this has everything to do with stopping Trump.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."