Donald vs. Hillary Round 1: Donald Wins
Hillary decided to go after The Donald as a "sexist" and paid the price. Donald responded with an attack on the "sexist in her own home", i.e. Bill, and that she should worry about him instead of Donald.
Yesterday, Hillary in response to a question from a reporter about Donald Trump, laughed and said she had made a New Years Resolution: she is going to no longer respond to any questions about Trump.
Not even the most powerful Clinton Political Machine wants to take on Trump. Say what you want, Donald has approached traditional politics with a vengeance unparalleled in modern American history. Everyone who attacks him gets pounded into submission. Jeb has tried it and he languishes at 6% in the polls. Lindsey Graham tried it and Donald mocked him and made his cellphone number public. Lindsey is gone. The national media have tried to hit him hard and he counterpunches and they are left looking like fools. The elites and talking heads have predicted his demise and he is as popular as ever.
He has led in the polls since the summer. He hasn't and isn't fading. Tens of thousands of people show up to his rallies and stay for three hours to listen to the man speak. The establishment can't figure out how to eliminate him. He scares them to death. Their comfy little world inside the Beltway is about to be shaken. Donald's popularity and Cruz's second place position is a strong message that many Americans are fed up with the political class and are ready for fresh leadership that will do something about what is weakening us here and abroad.
Donald isn't my choice for president, but I can't deny he is formidable and with 4 weeks left before the Iowa caucuses, is destroying anyone who wants to go toe to toe with him. Even the mighty Clinton Political Machine has backed down choosing to "let the Republicans sort it out."
Round 1 to The Donald.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.